About the Proposal
What: Where there is enough space on the roadway, buffered bike lanes would be added. The motor vehicle travel lanes would be reconfigured from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction with a center turn lane.
When: Any proposed changes to the street would be made after pavement maintenance planned for fall 2021.
Why: Center turn lanes help to reduce conflict by allowing people turning left to wait for a gap. The bike lanes and buffers would provide space for people bicycling while also separating the Murphy Bridle Trail from motor vehicle traffic. This project would also provide connectivity to the Arizona Canal for people riding bicycles. This project also aligns with citywide policy including voter-approved Transportation 2050 and the City's Complete Streets policy.
Proposed Changes
The images below show the typical proposed striping layout. These plans will change slightly throughout the corridor including approaching intersections (for example, due to the addition of turn lanes).
Current Typical Travel Lanes
Proposed Typical Travel Lanes