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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Parking Services

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    Parking Meters

    Currently, the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department operates approximately 2,000 parking meters in the downtown, uptown, capitol, and Phoenix college areas.


    All meters and pay stations are enforced 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, including weekends and holidays.

    Hourly Rates

    Meters cost $1.50 per hour.

    Payment Methods

    Most meters accept credit/debit cards and coins and others only accept coins. 

    To pay-by-phone for on-street parking meters and stations throughout the city use the Parkmobile app.


    Time Limits​​

    Time limits generally vary by location. Time limits at metered locations can range from 15 minutes to as long as 8 hours. In most areas, the maximum duration is 2 hours; however, some areas may have longer maximum durations during the evenings and weekends. The parking time limits are posted on each meter.

    ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Accessible Meters

    Phoenix has several on-street accessible parking spaces throughout the downtown area.  Each space is clearly marked with a special sign with the international symbol of access.

    Vehicles displaying a valid ADA License Plate and/or Placard receive one hour of free parking once their parking meter has expired.  Vehicles displaying a valid Purple Heart Recipient license plate also receive one free additional hour.  This applies to all parking meters, not just the designated ADA Accessible parking meters.


    Your feedback on the city's parking meters is important. For questions or comments on how we can improve, call 602-261-8090 or email

    Parking meter
    Single-space Credit Card Meters - these easy-to-use meters make up the majority of the metered spaces and are concentrated in the downtown core area.  There are also credit card logos posted on the meters.

    How to use Meters

    Single-space Digital (Coin) Meters - these meters are being replaced with credit-card meters and will make up a smaller percentage of all meters in Phoenix.  They only accept coins (nickels, dimes and quarters) for payment.
    PHX Police Parking Enforcement Car

    Enforcement And Hours Of Operation

    Enforcement Hours Effective August 18, 2014:

    Every Day (Including Holidays) - 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


    For all parking spaces, make sure you are aware of the space time limit as shown on the parking meter or pay station sign.  Most spaces allow parking for one to two hours. Parking longer than the allowable limit may result in a fine per Phoenix City Code 36-154. Also, please keep in mind that parking at an inoperable meter may result in a ticket. Parking meter citations are issued to improve compliance. Without parking meter citations, these restrictions would frequently be ignored. Please note that if your citation is delinquent, you may owe additional penalties and interest that are not included in the amount due.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The City of Phoenix currently operates paystations and single spaced meters.  The Phoenix On-Street Parking study conducted in 2012 recommended the combined use of paystations and single-space meters in downtown Phoenix.  The paystations offer another option for customers including payment receipts and have a lower operating cost to the City.  Since single-space meters are preferred by most users, all new meter installations will be of this type.