​​​​​​​​​​​​Vineyard Road Pedestrian Safety Study - 7th St to 16th St​​​​​​​​​​

Project Overview​​​

The goal of the Vineyard Road Pedestrian Safety Study is to evaluate alternatives and recommend enhanced mobility design solutions for Vineyard Road from 7th Street to 16th Street. Recommendations will focus on improving the safety, accessibility, and multimodal connectivity of the area’s residents and children walking, biking, or rolling to or from John F. Kennedy Academy of Inquiry and C.O. Greenfield Academy of Design and Innovation.

The challenging conditions on Vineyard Road, including half-street conditions and lack of sidewalks, has been a concern of the neighborhood for years. Community advocates have encouraged the city study options to improve safety in the area.​

Fact Sheet/Ficha del Proyecto​

​​Co​mmunity Engagement

This project will include opportunities to engage directly with residents in the area and the schools. Our first outreach effort is to gather information from the community through the survey linked below. 

Community Survey/Encuesta Comunitaria (Coming Soon)
Vineyard Road Pedestrian Safety Study Area

Vineyard Road Pedestrian Safety Study Area from 7th St to 16th St

​​Scope of Work

The scope of work includes:
  • Determining appropriate locations and configurations of new sidewalk(s) or modifying existing sidewalks to improve pedestrian and bicycle movements and safety.
  • Determine best approaches to build this segment out to a full roadway width from its current half-street configuration.
  • Determine appropriate locations and configuration of bicycle lanes and related infrastrucure.
  • Evaluate the roadway to identify opportunities for the addition of traffic calming devices.
  • Analyze roadway to determine where street lighting could be added or upgraded to improve safety.
  • Determine if tree shade, landscape improvements, and/or green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) can be installed.
  • Evaluate roadway and intersections to determine if a High‐Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) or other pedestrian signal should be installed.
  • Evaluate roadway and intersections to determine if existing traffic signals should be upgraded.
  • Identify any historical land use or generational land ownership that could be memorialized.​​​

​​Study Phase

The Study Phase is the earliest phase of a potential project. This study will be used to assess the feasibility of a variety of possible safety improvements for this segment. Once the study is completed, the Street Transportation Department will make decisions if the project will advance to the design phase.


Pre-Design Study - Summer 2024 to Summer 2025

​​Project Contacts

Brian Fellows​, Principal Planner

​Public Information Contact

Anne Thompson​, Your Project Marketing and Outreach

Project Hotline: 602-235-2600