Drought Pipeline Project
Why This Project Was Needed
The Drought Pipeline Project was essential to the continued economic health and vitality of Phoenix. This project ensured that all residents will continue to have access to safe, reliable, clean drinking water during future times of shortage on the Colorado River.
The primary importance is for customers to have access to an alternative water supply in North Phoenix
North Phoenix residents (more than 400,000 people) are almost exclusively served by Colorado River water treated at two water treatment plants. The new pipelines and pump stations are being used to alleviate the effects of drought, by ensuring that water supplies from the Salt and Verde Rivers are available to north Phoenix during any possible shortage on the Colorado River.
Check if you receive Colorado River Water or Salt and Verde River Water.

Map of Phoenix and the areas showing SRP and CAP water sources

Learn more about Phoenix's water supply.
We Welcome Questions and Comments!
Email us at WaterWorks@Phoenix.gov.
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