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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Landscape Watering Guidelines

    Below are watering guidelines to help you save money and water while getting the most out of your landscape! You can also utilize our Interactive Plant Watering Guide or Lawn Watering Guide.

    If you'd like to learn more, we invite you to read the Water Use It Wisely booklet, Landscape Watering by the Numbers which is viewable and downloadable from the Water Use it Wisely website.  The booklet will guide you through the process of figuring out how much water your plants and grass need, how much water your system applies, and how to match them.

    You can also view or download the chart below that can be used as a quick and handy landscape watewring guide that covers all type of landscaping. 


    Landscape Watering Guide - Graphic Click on the watering guide graphic to download in pdf format