Patios and Paths

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​Start with Smart Design

Hand gets sprayed with water from a nozzle.Don't send water down the drain! When designing patios, paths and other hard surfaces, consider their potential for harvesting rainwater. Begin with a smart landscap​e plan that directs surface runoff to neighboring plants.

Remember, hard surfaces could replace high-water-using grass and lower overall maintenance costs.

Clean up the Water-saving Way

Avoid temptation to clean sidewalks, paths and other paved areas with hoses.

Alternatives include:

  • Dry sweeping. When you clean hard surfaces, "dry sweep" with brooms and brushes. Brooms are a cheap way to save water.

  • Low-water technologies. When you do need to use water to clean pavement or patios, consider using a water-efficient "water broom" rather than a hose. (If you must use a hose, make sure that it has a low-volume nozzle and automatic shut-off.)
