Advanced Purified Water is Coming to the Valley of the Sun
Advanced Purified Water (APW) represents the future of
drinking water for the greater Phoenix region. Through
proven technologies, the City of Phoenix Water Services
Department is building the infrastructure needed to
create a new and sustainable source of drinking water
for residents and businesses.
What is Advanced Water Purification?
Advanced Water Purification (AWP) is a proven technology process that safely and efficiently purifies recycled wastewater into drinking
water. The water produced is so clean it meets or
exceeds federal and local drinking water requirements.
Recycled water, also referred to as reclaimed water,
is domestic wastewater that is cleaned so it can be
reused for other purposes like irrigation (nonpotable) or
drinking water (potable). Recycling water gives Phoenix
a sustainable and locally produced water resource that
reduces dependence on imported water.