Join the Phoenix Mayor's Youth Save Water Pledge to conserve water and protect our future. Empowered young leaders can make a difference today.
Youth Programs

A PHX Water Smart Education for Tomorrow's Water Stewards.
Welcome to the Youth Water Scholars Center!
What was your first experience with water education?
The City of Phoenix Water Services Department knows that creating a PHX Water Smart community starts with its youth!
Phoenix's Youth Water Scholars Center helps students think critically about water resources and conservation. Explore our web pages to find resources and events for the youth in your life.
For other questions, please email us at
Water Scholar Spotlight

Now in the Spotlight: The Phoenix Mayor's Save Water Pledge.
The pledge began on May 1, 2024, and will run through April 30, 2025.
The four pledge items are simple, but the main idea is to make a commitment to choose efficient and responsible habits to save water all year.
Remember, saving water is an activity for everyone! Spread the word to your friends and family to participate with you!
Both youth and adults can take the pledge. Find the youth version of the pledge here. Also learn how you can earn points for the Phoenix Libraries' Summer Reading Contest by taking the pledge starting June 1, 2024!
Find the adult version of the pledge here.
Water Scholar Center Resources and Links
School Programs and Lesson Plans
Engage youth with fun water conservation activities and lesson plans to inspire environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.
Teacher Listening Workshops
Join our Teacher Listening Workshops to enhance water conservation education.
Order Free Literature and Classroom Materials
Use this library to find resources to save water and be smart about water supply and conservation in Phoenix.
Conservation Program Links
Conservation Solutions Homepage
Find water water conservation options for your home or business.
Save Water Homepage
Learn how to save water and find resources and incentives for water conservation in your home.
Conservation Incentives Homepage
Phoenix offers water conservation incentives for your home and business! See how you can save money and water by taking advantage of our incentives today.
Conservation for Businesses
Boost your business's water efficiency with Phoenix's Conservation Assistance Program. Save water, reduce costs, and enhance sustainability today.
HOA Efficiency Program
Discover water-saving tips and resources for homeowners associations to enhance water efficiency and conservation efforts in your community.
Youth Education Programs
Engage youth in water conservation with Phoenix's educational programs. Inspire sustainable habits and environmental stewardship today.