Funding and Tax Revenue Distributions

Funding for Transportation 2050 is being generated by a 0.7 percent sales tax which became effective Jan. 1, 2016. This sales tax dedicates 7/10ths of a cent or 70 cents on a $100 purchase to fund the implementation of the Transportation 2050 plan. Over the life of the 35-year plan revenues from the sales tax are estimated to generate about $16.7 billion, or almost half of the plan’s overall cost. An additional $14.8 billion is projected to be generated from federal and county funds, passenger fares and other sources.

The pie charts represent how the Transportation 2050 sales tax revenues are programmed for distribution.  

          $16.7 Billion Distribution Breakdown

T2050 PIE.JPG Streets pio green.JPG14 percent of the revenues generated by the Transportation 2050 sales tax are dedicated for street improvements (green pie chart). More than $2.3 billion is projected for street improvements over a 35-year period from 2016 through 2050.

*Technology Enhancements





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