Phoenix Employment Relations Board Members

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The Phoenix Employme​​​nt Relations Board serves as a neutral authority in the resolution of unfair employee practice charges relating to wages, hours and working conditions. It establishes rules and regulations by which negotiations between employee organiza​tions and management are conducted. The board promotes the improvement of employer-employee relations by providing a uniform basis for recognizing the rights of city of Phoenix employees.

The board ​​more specifically:

  • Provides rules and regulations for its own operations.
  • Conducts representation elections and resolves contested matters of certification and decertification of employee organizations.
  • Adjudicates claims of violations of the city’s Meet and Confer Ordinance.

Resolves quest​​ions related to the designation of management, confidential, supervisory and professional employees.

Holds hearings, administers oaths, compels attendance of and examines witnesses, compels production of and examines documents, and provides for informal hearing procedures as part of the discharge of its duties.

Appoints qualified neutrals for mediation or fact-finding to resolve impasse disputes in the course of administering the Meet and Confer Ordinance.

Composition: The board consists of five members appointed by the mayor and City Council for three-year terms. All members are generally residents of the city of Phoenix, except the residency requirement for the chairman may be waived. A person selected to fill a vacancy is appointed for the unexpired term of the member replaced. The board membership is comprised of:

  • The board’s regular chairman is a person widely recognized as a neutral in the field of labor management relations. This member is nominated by the Phoenix Office of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 
  • One management member is nominated by the Arizona Employers Council. This member may not be an agent, employee or staff member of the city of Phoenix management. 
  • One labor member is nominated by the Central Arizona Labor Council. This member may not be a staff member, employee, general member or agent of any city of Phoenix employee organization. 
  • Two public members are chosen from the public at large. When a vacancy exists the opening is advertised and all interested applicants submit applications at which is the database used to capture applications.  Register and fill out application page.  Applications will be ​​forwarded to the Office of the Mayor. The two members appointed are not agents, employees, or staff members of the City of Phoenix, or any C​ity of Phoenix employee organization. 

Term of Office: Three years - For a list of current members and terms of office, contact the PERB office at 602-262-4081.

Meetings: The board meets once per month on the third Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., 304 W. Adams, Phoenix, Arizona 85003.

History: Created by Authority of Resolution Ordinance G-1532, Dec. 16, 1975
Amended by Resolution Ordinances:

G-1822, June 13, 1978
G-2036, Feb, 26, 1980
G-2404, Aug. 3, 1982
G-2454, Feb. 1, 1983
G-3075, Dec. 22, 1987
G-3087, Feb. 10, 1988
G-3303, Feb. 28, 1990
G-4243, Feb. 26, 2000
G-4855, 01-31-2007