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​Across City Departments, the City of Phoenix is taking action on heat--from the long standing Heat Relief  Network to the newly launched Cool Pavement and Cool Corridors programs.  Below is a brief on each of these actions with links to learn more.  

1.  Heat Rel​​ief Network​​Heat Relief Network Map

 ​​​The Heat Relief Network (Phoenix) offers free water and indoor locations to cool off. Locations on the downloadable map are marked hydration stations and/or cooling refuge locations for anyone needing to get out of the heat. View Heat Relief Network locations.

The program is part of the larger regional Heat Relief Network with 139 participating organizations including municipalities, nonprofit organizations, the faith-based community, and businesses.   Locally, the program is supported across city departments including Human Services with direct outreach to those experiencing homelessness, by Libraries and community centers providing cooling center services and water distribution, Neighborhood Services prtforming direct outreach via the We're Cool Campaign (handing out water and maps to nearby cooling centers) and the Park's department provide education and outreach at trailheads as part of the Hike Right program.  

​2. The C​​ool Pavement Pilot Program

​ The Cool Pavement Pilot Project launched in 2018 with test projects in selected portions of eight neighborhoods and one city park to receive cool​ pavement treatment as part of a pilot project. In just a two years the program leapfrogged other communities and at 46 miles, has more cool pavement than another City in the world.  The pilot program includes a five-year partneship with Ariozna State Unkversty (ASU) to study the impact. new projects have been initiatiated in 2021 to test alternative coating materials.  If the pilot proves effective, there is potential for the cool pavement to become the nwe city standard for pavement on all residential streets.   Learn More about the technology.

​​​ Regular asphalt shown with temperature reading of 121 degrees, other photos showing cool pavement and temperatures from 111 to 106 degrees

3. The C​​ool Corridor Program

​ The Cool Corridor Program launched in 2021 after budget approval from City Council  in June 2021 to invest $1.5M annually to install 9 miles of "cool corridor" each year--a pedestrian route through vulnerable communities that provides shaded pathways from neighborhoods to transit, shops, schools and places of employment.  Each corridor could incorporate up to 200 trees and other forms of structured share or public art that provides shade and other cooling assets.   In its first year, the program in still under development, but is on track to install the first 9 corridors by June 2022. 

4. The low-income Home Weatherization Program 

​Supported through utility contributions and the federal LIHEAP program, the City of Phoenix spends approximately $3M each year improving the energy performance of homes including repair ing or replacing air conditioners, replacing roofs and windows and improving the heat resilience of low-income residents.  View the Weatherization Fact Sheet

5. Kool Kids Program

​The Kool Kids program​ provides FREE open swim admission to youth at select City of Phoenix pools.  The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department partners with various organizations to provide safe and healthy alternatives to youth age 17 and younger.  See the program details for a list of pools and public splashpads. 

6. Take A Hike - Do It Right Campaign

City of Phoenix Park Rangers educate trail users to follow important "Take a Hike. Do it Right.​" safety guidelines.​ Regardless of the weather or time of year, always hydrate before, during and after a hike.​ ​​

7. Public ART and SHADE

The Arts and Culture Department comissions and installs Public Art that provides beautiful shade structures and a unIque sense of place.   Examples of this include ​​BLOOMCANOPY and the TRANSIT SHADE SERIES.



​Listed on the menu on the left, are other categories of action related to RESEARCH, POLICY AND GOVERNANCE. ​