2030 Phoenix Food Action Plan
This spring, the City of Phoenix Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) is kicking off the development of the development of the 2030 Phoenix Food Action Plan, which will define the next phase of food systems work. This plan will guide over the next five years toward achieving the goal of healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant food for all in Phoenix. The planning process will involve working with Phoenix residents, nonprofits, and local businesses to identify the community's vision for the future of the local food system, with new strategies and actions based on community-identified priorities like increasing food access, sustainable food production, and reducing food waste.
Outreach for the 2030 Food Action Plan will begin in March 2025, with the goal of completing the plan and obtaining City Council approval in the Fall. The 2025 Food Action Plan was the first plan developed by the City and the community in early 2020 and has successfully completed about 90% of the actions identified in the plan. Information on how to get involved in the development of the 2030 plan will be posted here.
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Want to get invovled or learn more about the Climate Action Plan (CAP) update? Find more information about the Community C.A.F.É., here: Environmental Programs 2025 CAP
To learn more about what was accomplished in the 2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan see below:
2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan
The 2015 Phoenix General Plan, entitled PlanPHX included the Goal: Promote the growth of a healthy, affordable, secure and sustainable food system that makes healthy food available to all Phoenix residents. To meet this goal, the Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) partnered with several organizations and other governmental entities to collect baseline information about the food system, food access, and related health data. Extensive community and stakeholder engagement was initiated in 2018 and continues. The result of this research and outreach was the development of the City's first food action plan.
2025 Phoenix Food Action Plan (PDF), Plan de Acción Alimentario 2025, was adopted by city council on March 4, 2020. OEP and many other food system stakeholders collaborated on the implementation of the food action plan. The Plan contains five goals, each with several strategies and recommended actions.