
Backyard Garden Program​

This program ​empowers residents to grow healthy food in their own backyards to improve health, promote physical activity, decrease food insecurity and hunger, and potentially reduce their food budget. Gardeners are receiving one of three gardening systems of the​ir choice accompanied with materials, labor, training, and individualized support.​​​


‭(Hidden)‬ Programa de Jardines Gratis

About the Backyard Gardens

L​​ehr ​is a Phoenix-based organization founded by Ed Williams, who invented the LEHR Gardens system as a sustainable, regenerative agriculture method for busy urban lifestyles. 


LEHR Garden - Just planted in March

LEHR Garden - One month later in April


NxT is a Phoenix-based organization founded by Dr. George Brooks Jr., a nationally recognized Aquaponics expert​.


TigerMountain Foundation (TMF) is a Phoenix-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower communities to better themselves through cultivating gardens.  ​​


Materials for Reference:

Contact Us​

Email: phxfood@phoenix.gov 

Call: 602-262-6347

Note when you submit an email it falls under the city's policy which states that the email message is: (1) subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, (2) not private or confidential and (3) retained for 90 days.