The Feed Phoenix Initiative was a collaborative project between Local First Arizona and the city utilizing CARES Act dollars to bring healthy, high-quality meals to COVID-impacted families in the city of Phoenix. Local restaurants, caterers, and farms located in Phoenix were employed to help prepare meals from Phoenix-grown produce in order to sustain local jobs and supply chains, strengthen the local food economy and, most importantly, help keep all Phoenicians healthy during the ongoing COVID-19 economic, health and social crises. View the Feed Phoenix Report for more details.
Food Assistance Grants
City of Phoenix Food Resources During COVID-19
The city of Phoenix provided $2,644,000 for preparation and delivery of 5,246,566 healthy meals and 5,491 fresh produce boxes to 539,096 individuals and 336,184 families from August 2020 through March 2021. The initiatives provided much needed meals and created a more connected, resilient food system.
The work was completed through two programs, 1) the Feed Phoenix Initiative administered by Local First Arizona Foundation that included farms, restaurants, caterers, event venues, and social service organizations, and 2) the Funds to Feed Phoenix and Funds for Schools Initiatives administered by LISC Phoenix that included grassroots/nonprofit organizations and school districts.


Impact: | Businesses Supported: |
379,769 meals served | 25 participating farms |
17,200 holiday meals served | 55 participating restaurants |
15,375 fresh produce bags distributed | 43 distribution centers |
Arizona Recycling Coalition's Annual Award
On February 11, 2021, the City of Phoenix and Local First Arizona Foundation won an award for the Feed Phoenix Initiative from the Arizona Recycling Coalition. The organization recognized the contribution that the Feed Phoenix Initiative has made to feeding COVID-19 impacted individuals and families in our most vulnerable communities.
Learn more here: Phoenix Didn't Just Feed the Hungry. It Saved Farms and Restaurants.

Funds to Feed Phoenix Program
The Funds to Feed Phoenix and Funds to Schools Initiative is a collaborative project between LISC Phoenix and the City using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to bring healthy meals to COVID-19 impacted families. This program is a continuation of the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) funded program that provides funding for community and grassroots organizations and school districts. LISC Phoenix managed this program and delivered 5,165,806 meals with CRF funds. Grassroots, nonprofits, and community organizations partner to enhance existing food delivery occurring in communities by communities. The initiative engages vulnerable and marginalized populations to provide input on equitable practices for the grant application process in order to reach organizations that may had not be familiar with government grant funding and to design processes that built the capacity of the organizations. Healthy meals and fresh produce boxes are delivered and connections to other nonprofit agencies are developed to increase opportunities for continued partnerships.
The Funds to Schools Initiative provided funding to assist four school districts located in food deserts and serving COVID-19 impacted families. The funding enabled school districts to continue to provide summer and weekend meals for an 8-month period. View the 2020 Funds to Feed Phoenix Report for success stories.
View the current list of community organizations and school districts that have been identified for grant awards utilizing ARPA funds.

Impact Stories
The 2020 Funds to Feed grantees received a 2021 Community Award from LISC Phoenix for Exemplary Community Response. See below for the interviews captured when the grantees received their awards.
Social Spin 2021 Exemplary Community Response LISC Phoenix
Orchard Community Learning Center 2021 Exemplary Community Response LISC Phoenix

Food Banks and Pantries Support
Many organizations are working to provide food for our community. This funding will be used to provide resources for local food banks and food pantries to bring food and other resources for struggling families. Staff will ensure broad engagement with foodbanks and pantries ensuring outreach and emphasis with smaller community-based food banks and food pantries. Food banks and pantries interested in participating should apply to Arizona Food Bank Network (AzFBN).

Meals That Work
This program prepared and delivered 1,000 meals per week for 26 weeks to six social service organizations including: St. Vincent de Paul, Trinity United Methodist Church, Paideia Academies Inc., Christ Lutheran Church, Calvary United Methodist Church, and Housing for Hope Rosewood Court.