To discover if a business has or had Complaints of health and safety violations by Business Name And/Or City in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Find out if a registered sex offender lives in or near an address: The purpose of this site is to provide information to the public concerning the location of sex offenders within Arizona. This site is NOT intended to supplant the community notification process, but rather, it allows the criminal justice community to promote public awareness concerning the potential threat that sex offenders pose to Arizona citizens. An informed public is a safer public!
Questions or Inquiries About Blighted Property Cases about a property or to receive a case status report on a property already reported.
This application will allow you to access crime statistics for various areas within the city of Phoenix.
When investing, we urge you to verify before you buy! If you ask the right questions and verify information with state securities regulators before investing, you can reduce the possibility of falling victim to scam artists and unscrupulous financial professionals, people you may already know and trust. Use this site as your primary guide, but stop and read this section first.
Has a property been or currently under an abatement investigation?
The Phoenix Crime Free Multi-Housing Program provides an opportunity for rental property owners and residents to share responsibility with police for creating and maintaining a safe housing environment.
Is a property involved in the Phoenix Crime Free Multi-Housing Program?