Finding and fixing leaks is one of the most important ways for all of us to save water. Look for leaks at least four times per year (once each season) by using your senses. Then, make sure to tell a trusted adult so they can get the leak fixed!
Tip 1: Be a leak detective in your home, school, and/or community.
Be on the hunt for leaks in your home, school, and community! To find a leak, use your senses (sight, sound, and smell). If you find a leak, it is up to you to inform a trusted adult before it becomes an issue! Learn how to use your senses to be a Leak Detective below.
- Do you see water dripping from a sink, shower, toilet, hose, or somewhere else where we use water?
- Do you see water or a dried water shape around a fixture?
- Do you see wood that has changed shape from being wet?
- Stains?
- Uneven or warped surfaces?
- Crumbling wall, cabinet etc.?
- You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
- Do you hear dripping noises?
- You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
- Do you smell a musty, earthy smell somewhere?
- You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
Come back soon for more ways to be a leak detective throughout the year.
Haven't taken the pledge yet? Take the youth pledge here, or print a copy here. Find the adult version of the pledge here.