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Youth Save Water ​​​​​​Pledge Item 2​​: 

Be a Leak Detective!​

​​Finding and fixing leaks is one of the most important ways for all of us to save water.​ Look for leaks at least four times per year (once each season) by using your senses. Then, make sure to tell a trusted adult so they can get the leak fixed!

Tip 1: Be a leak detective in your home, school, and/or community. ​

​​​Be on the hunt for leaks in your home, school, and community! To find a leak, use your senses (sight, sound, and smell). If you find a leak, it is up to you to inform a trusted adult before it becomes an issue! Learn how to u​se your senses to be a Leak Detective below. 

  • Do you see water dripping from a sink, shower, toilet, hose, or somewhere else where we use water?
  • Do you see water or a dried water shape around a fixture?
  • Do you see wood that has changed shape from being wet?
    • ​Stains?
    • Uneven or warped surfaces?
    • Crumbling wall, cabinet etc.?
  • You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
  • Do you hear dripping noises?
  • You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
  • Do you smell a musty, earthy smell somewhere?
  • You may have a leak. Tell a trusted adult.
​​​Come back soon for more ways to be a leak detective throughout the year. 

Haven't taken the pledge yet? Take the youth pledge here, or print a copy here​. ​Find the adult version of the pledge here​