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Youth Save Water ​​​​​​Pledge Item 4​: 

Save Water with Family and Friends

The fourth pledge item is to save​​​​​​​ water with family and friends.

Share what you've learned with your family and friends. Spread the word to others in your community to learn more about water and take the pledge.

Tip 1: Have a conversation abour water with your friends, family, and other trusted community members. 

You could talk about something you learned about water, share a book or video you viewed, or engage with them i​n another meaningful way. Whatever way you choose, the most important part is to start the conservation!

Tip 2: Spread the word to others about the Save Water Pledge! 

Hopefully you took a great first step to save water by taking the Save Water Pledge. But you can't do it all alone! Ask others in your life to take the Save Water Pledge with you. Let's work together to save water for the future of our whole Phoenix community!​

Come back soon for more ways to save water with family and friends throughout the year. 

Haven't taken the pledge yet? Take the youth pledge here, or print a copy here​. ​Find the adult version of the pledge here​