​Private Property Cl​eanup Program

​The City of Phoenix is committed to addressing the impacts of homelessness on private property owners and neighborhoods. This Private Property Cleanup Program (PPCP) is a multi-departmental effort that aims to assist private property owners, who have been disproportionately burdened when people experiencing homelessness seek refuge in, or transition through, their neighborhoods.

​The PPC offers two categories of assistance: 

Expanded Biohazard Waste Cleanup Assistance - offering more frequent or additional biohazard waste cleanup in specific areas, where biohazard waste often accumulates. This service is:

  • For private properties located around Hatcher Road, where scheduled enhanced cleanup services from the City of Phoenix is ongoing. 
  • For private properties located near the Human Services Campus, where scheduled enhanced cleanup services from the City of Phoenix.​

Individual Private Property Cleanup - offering three levels of cleanup service assistance related to homelessness to private property owners citywide, who meet the eligibility criteria. Three levels of cleanup service assistance are:

  • Roll-off Dumpster Assistance 
  • Right-of-Way Cleanup Assistance 
  • Advanced Individual Property Cleanup ​ 

​Descriptions and Eligibility Criteria
Request more information​ about the Private Property Cleanup Program Pilot. 

Re​sources to Address Homelessness in Your Neighborhood:

Office of Homeless Solutions
Authority to Arrest