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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Lead Safe Phoenix


    What is Lead?

    Lead is a naturally occurring element that has been used in a wide variety of products including plumbing materials, gasoline, and paint. When lead paint gets old or damaged, it creates lead dust and chips. 

    Lead Paint is Dangerous!

    Lead-based paint can cause health problems, especially to children under 6 years old. Exposure to lead paint can cause delayed growth, behavioral problems, poor hearing, headaches, and brain damage.

    Creating Safe and Healthy Homes​

    Lead Safe Phoenix operates through a grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our no cost program aims to reduce childhood lead poisoning by creating lead-safe housing. This program also helps residents address minor health hazards in their homes.


    Are you interested? G​o to our Lead Safe Assessment!


    ¿Estás interesado?  ¡Vaya a nuestra Evaluación de Seguridad con el Plomo!​​


    ​Questions about our ​program​? Contact us!

    ¿Preguntas sob​re nu​est​​​ro programa? ¡contáctanos!

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