
2024 Building Code Analysis & Amendment Proposals

The proposal submission period has closed. 

The Planning & Development Department (PDD) is currently reviewing the 2024 International Codes, the 2024 Uniform Plumbing Code and the 2023 National Electrical Code for possible adoption in 2025. PDD is not reviewing the International Fire Code, International Performance Code, International Private Sewage Disposal Code, International Property Maintenance Code, International Wildland Urban Interface Code, or the International Zoning Code. Staff committees will be proposing amendments to the model codes based on conditions specific to Phoenix.

We would also like to provide the opportunity for the public to submit code amendments proposals for review. If you are interested in proposing an amendment to any of the model codes noted above, please complete the form below. Please complete the following sections of the form:

  • Applicable code and code section
  • Submitted by
  • Justification relevant to Phoenix
  • Cost impact

When proposing code amendments please consider the definitions in the codes, the formatting, and the terminology already in use in that code. If a code section is being amended, it should be recreated with additions to the code underlined and deletions from the code using strikethrough. If a new code section is desired, the entire new code section should be underlined. All public code amendment proposals will be reviewed by staff committees and presented at Development Advisory Board Subcommittee meetings, in which the public will be able to attend. Please note that proposals must be submitted by December 31, 2024.

If you have questions, please contact Krista Cambern at krista.cambern@phoenix.gov or 602-534-8529.

For infromation regarding the Phoenix Fire Code, please visit: City of Phoenix Fire Department - Fire Code
