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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Rezoning and Special Permits

    Zoning is the principal tool by which the city of Phoenix implements the goals and future development plans expressed in the General Plan. Zoning regulations are intended to protect existing land uses and assure that uses are compatible with each other and with available public facilities and services. Through the rezoning process, land use and other factors are evaluated to determine the appropriateness of a specific rezoning proposal.

    Rezoning procedures have been established by the Zoning Ordinance to assist staff, the Zoning Hearing Officer, the Planning Commission and the City Council to expeditiously review and determine the merits of each rezoning application. From the date of application to final City Council action on the matter, the rezoning process generally takes from three and a half to six months. Planning Commission and City Council recesses and continuances may lengthen the rezoning process.​