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​​​​​​Looking for public records? The City of Phoenix receives many requests for a variety of records — some of which the city maintains while others are maintained by other government agencies. This page lists the most commonly requested records with the appropriate contact information and links. Thank you for visiting​

Records for Other Citywide Departments

View the list of records available online below. 

Request Other RecordsYou are being redirected to the new online Public Records Request Center. Please see the How-To Guide in the main menu for tips on using the new system.

Law Department


City Charter, Code and Zoning Ordinance

Budget and Research Department


City Budget Reports

Environmental Site Assessment

Environmental Site Assessment Procedures

Community & Economic Development


Film Permits

Water Services


Water and Sewer Maps: call 602-495-5601 or request appointment at

Water Consumption HistoryWastewater Discharge PermitsWater Bills​​