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South Central TOD Steering Committee Presentation and Materials: Presentaciones y materiales del Comité Directivo del TOD de Sur Central
South Central TOD Steering Committee Presentation and Materials:
Presentaciones y materiales del Comité Directivo del TOD de Sur Central
Area Summaries
Visiónes de Áreas
Summary Briefing Papers
Affordability & Equitable TODResponsible Development Without DisplacementImproved Accessibility Between the CorridorAchieving A Walkable, Healthy & Vibrant CorridorEquity & Inclusion
Resúmenes de documentos informativos Asequibilidad y Equidad Desarrollo Responsable Mejoras en Accesibilidad Espacio Caminable Equidad e Inclusion
Resúmenes de documentos informativos
Full Briefing Papers
Infrastructure and Land Strategies
South Central Corridor Previous Planning and Community Efforts:
Planificación y esfuerzos de la comunidad anteriores del corredor Sur Central
South Phoenix Food Action Plan
Central City South Community Food Resources Report (2010)
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (PRC) Central City South - At a Glance (2009)
Phoenix Revitalization Corporation (PRC) Central City South - At a Glance (2015)
South Central Neighborhoods Transit Health Impact Assessment (SCNTHIA) (2013-2015)
Setting the Stage for Community Visioning (All Voices Consulting and Vitalyst) (2017)
Spark Report (Vitalyst) Pre-Community Engagement Toolkit (2019)
San Juan Diego Phase One (October 2014)
San Juan Diego Phase Two (May 2015)
Sonoran Institute Impact of Climate Change on Latino Communities (2014)
Central City South - Quality of Life Plan (2010)
Central City South - Quality of Life Plan (2010) Summary
Central City South - Quality of Life Plan (Refreshed 2017)
Valley Metro South Central Corridor Locally Preferred Alternative Report (2014)
Valley Metro South Central Corridor Environmental Assessment (2016)
U.S. Department of Transportation Finding of No Significant Impact (2017)
Reinvent Phoenix (2011-2015)
U.S. Department of Transportation Ladders of Opportunity Transportation Empowerment Pilot (LadderStep) Program Report (2015-2016, December 2016)
Proposition 104
Transportation 2050 (T2050)
Transportation 2050 (T2050) – South Downton Neighborhoods Mobility Study Area
South Mountain Neighborhoods Mobility Study Area
Transportation 2050 High Capacity Transit Corridor Schedule and incorporation in the Regional Transportation Plan
2016 City Council Approval of the Transportation 2050 High Capacity Transit Corridor Schedule and incorporation in the Regional Transportation Plan
Federal Transit Authority (FTA) TOD Planning Grant (2017-Present)
Historic Property Surveys
South Central Corridor City Council Adopted Planning Documents, Overlays, and the Downtown Code:
Documentos de planificación del corredor Sur Central adoptados por el Consejo de la Ciudad, superposiciónes de zonificación, y el código del Centro de la Ciudad
Downtown Phoenix Urban Form Project (2008)
Downtown Code (2010)
South Central Avenue Corridor Study (1992)
Central City South Area Plan (2004)
Central City South Interim Overlay District (2002)
East Buckeye Road Overlay District (2005)
Rio Salado Beyond the Banks Area Plan (2003)
Baseline Area Master Plan (1997)
Baseline Area Overlay District (2000)
Target Area B Redevelopment Plan (Amended 2016)
South Phoenix Village and Target Area B Design Overlay District (2003)
Rio Montaña Area Plan (2000)
Del Rio Area Brownfields Plan (2004)
Transit Oriented Development Strategic Policy Framework (2015, updated 2018)