Paperless Billing

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​​​​​Simplify your Life with Paperless Billing

 With paperless billing, you get the same information as you do with your printed bill, but it's ​online. 

How Going Paperless Works

  • Signing up for paperless billing doesn't change your monthly due date.
  • For your convenience, you can review and print hard copies of your bills going back 24 months.
  • You can always print a copy of your bill if you want to keep it for future reference.
  • Your bill is available online within approximately 2 days of your billing date.
  • If you sign up for paperless billing, you can still pay by mail, pay by autopay, or pay by phone.
  • If you ever have problems receiving emails from us, check your spam, bulk or junk folders, and then add City of Phoenix to your approved senders list.
  • If you really want to make managing your City of Phoenix bill easy, sign up for automatic payments, and you can stop worrying about remembering when your bill is due.  Your payment will be automatically debited from your checking or savings account each month, without you having to think about it.

Sign up for Paperless Billing

To sign up for paperless billing visit PHX Pay Online.  If you've never used PHX Pay Online, it's easy to get started by visiting the FAQ's.

Once you've signed in:

Select Settings from the main navigation bar.

1.  Scroll down to Bill Delivery Method and click on update.

2.  Change Route Type to Route via email.

3.  Enter Email Address.

4.  Click Save.

5.  You are now enrolled!

Did you know? Not having a paper bill means one less way criminals can get their hands on your personal information, which happens when they find bills in the trash, recycle containers or even in ​your mailbox.