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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    How to Read Your City Services Bill

    Learning how to read your City Services Bill can be helpful in understanding the charges and fees that comprise a monthly bill for customers.

    Review this sample City Services Bill along with our guidelines on key aspects of the bill.

    Sample City Services Bill

    Image of a City of Phoenix City Services Bill, with the following key elements: In the lower middle of the bill, there is a box with the words "Pay online" and "Pay by Phone 602-262-6251." In the upper right corner of the document heading, there are the words "WILLIAM SAMPLE". Immediately below the words "WILLIAM SAMPLE", there is "Account Number: 1111111111", "Billing Date: 10/02/2023", and "Page 1 of 2". Below the document heading, which shows the City of Phoenix logo, "William Sample", and the account number and date, there is a shaded box that says: "If your property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), then consider purchasing flood insurance before it's too late. Please call 602-262-4960 or email For additional resources, visit of October 1, the first in a series of recently approved increases for water, sewer rates, and the Stormwater Excise Tax has been implemented. For more details, visit fall weather is coming. Think about Reducing landscape watering. Irrigating once a week is enough for plants, trees, and grass to thrive. Remember to turn off your automatic watering system when it rains to conserve water and save money." To the right of the shaded box, there is a separate box with the words "Amount Due $92.64" and "Due Date 10/20/2023". Below the bill amount and due date, there is a separate box labeled "Account Summary as of 10/2/2023". The box contains lists a previous balance, payments received, balance forward, and current charges. These sum up to a total amount due of $92.64 Below the shaded box, there is text that reads "Service Address: 200 W. Main St., PHOENIX, AZ 85085". The middle section of the document contains a table. The first column of that table shows the meter number. The second column of the table shows the previous meter read, including both the date of the reading and the reading number. The third column of the table shows the current meter read, including both the date of the reading and the reading number. The fourth and final column of the table shows the water used in billing cycle, including both units and gallons. It includes a key that says "1 unit = 748 gallons". Below the table, there is a bar chart illustrating monthly water usage. It compares current year to last year.  To the right of the table and bar chart, there is a heading "Water/Sewer Service from 9/2/2023 to 10/2/2023", followed by a list of fees. These fees include: Water Base Fee, Water Usage Fee, Environmental Mandates - Water, City Services Tax, State Mandated Jail Costs, State and Other Taxes, Sewer Fee, Environmental Mandates - Sewer, and City Sales Tax. The fees total $60.42. Below the Water/Sewer service fees, there is a heading "Public Works/Solid Waste from 2/23/2017 to 3/21/2017", followed by a list of fees. These fees include: Solid Waste Fee and State Landfill Disposal Fee. The fees total 32.22. The Water/Sewer and Public Works/Solid Waste fees, when added together, form the total current charges for the period. The lower portion of the document contains a line item where the payee can fill in a dollar amount for a Project Assist donation. Above the Project Assist Donation, there is a line item for the payee to enter the Amount Paid. To the left of the payment line items, there is a box that lists "Unpaid Balance DUE Now", "Current Charges Due 10/23/2023", and "TOTAL DUE". There are also payment instructions, which read "Please make checks payable to City of Phoenix. Do not send cash through the mail. Please write account number on check using blue or black ink. A Late Fee will be Applied if Payment is received after the Due Date." The bottom left corner of the document contains the words "WILLIAM SAMPLE 200 W. Main St. PHOENIX AZ 85085-653605" The bottom right corner of the document contains the words "SEND PAYMENTS TO: City of Phoenix P.O. Box 29100 Phoenix, AZ 85038-9100."

    Key Elements on Your City Services Bill

    1. Pay online or pay by phone. You can pay your bill online by visiting You can also call Phoenix Customer Services, your one-stop for all water, sewer, trash, and recycling inquiries.
    2. William Sample. This is the name associated with the account.
    3. Account Number. A ten-digit number.
    4. Announcements. Check this section of the bill each month for important information from the City of Phoenix.
    5. Amount due. Displays the total amount due and due date.
    6. Account summary. Provides a quick summary of your previous balance, recent charges, payments and total amount due.
    7. Service address. This is the address where service is provided.
    8. Meter Number. This is tied to the account and is used for billing purposes.
    9. Previous Meter Read Information. This shows meter readings for the past service period.
    10. Current Meter Read Information. The billable water units are calculated by subtracting the Current Meter Read from the Previous Meter Read (in this example 241 units - 234 units = 7 units).
    11. Water Used in Billing Cycle. Water use is shown in both units and gallons; 748 gallons equals 1 unit.
    12. Monthly Water Usage History (in gallons). This will be shown for a 13-month period.
    13. Water and Sewer Service, Fees and Taxes. See each item for additional info.
      1. Water Base Fee - Based on the customer's meter size, this fee includes 5 units/3,740 gallons from October-May and 8 units/5,984 gallons from June-September.
      2. Water Usage Fee - The charge for each unit of water that exceeds the amount included in the Base fee.
      3. Environmental Mandates for Water and Wastewater - Implemented in 1992, these fees support facility modifications and operations, as well as maintenance related to water or sewer services required to meet federal, state and county laws and regulations.
      4. City Services Tax - This excise tax went into effect July 19, 2014, and is based on meter size.
      5. Sewer Fee - This fee is for sewer service and is based on the customer’s average monthly water usage billed during the preceding January, February and March, typically the lowest water use months.
      6. State Mandated Jail Costs - This fee, based on meter size, helps the city pay Maricopa County to house inmates that are arrested in Phoenix, and helps pay the costs for State mandated jail sentences.
      7. City Sales Tax - These fees include Utility Services Tax and a Wastewater Removal Services Tax.
      8. State and Other Taxes - These fees include taxes from the State of Arizona, Maricopa County Freeway and Jail Taxes, a Hazardous Waste Disposal Tax, and Stormwater Fees based on meter size.
    14. Solid Waste Services and State Landfill Disposal Fee. Solid Waste Services include trash, recycling, green organics, and bulk trash.
    15. Project Assist Donation. Optional tax deductible gift to provide utility assistance to low-income families and seniors in crisis with their utility bills.
    16. Amount Paid. Please return this portion of the bill along with your payment each month. Be sure the payment address shows through the window of the return envelope, write in the amount you are enclosing, and write your account number on the check.
    17. Unpaid Balance Due Now. Accounts with past due balances risk service termination and will incur a 3% Late Payment Fee.
    18. Billing Address. The bill is mailed or emailed to this address and may be different from the service address.
    19. Remittance Address. Send City Services payment to this P.O. Box. View the back of bill for additional ways to pay, or visit Customer Service.