Phoenix Water Services

Water Equity Initiative

Water Equity Maintaining affordable water rates is one of the most important aspects of ensuring access to safe, clean drinking water and to not only maintain existing levels of equity but also to address and reduce remaining inequities.

The Water Equity Initiative outlines the research and recommendations by the Phoenix Citizens' Water/Wastewater Rate Advisory Committee.

​Contact Us:

Customer Services

(602) 262-6251
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

711 for Telecommunications Relay Services​​​

For Urgent water issues call the 24/7 hotline at 602-261-8000  


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and Outreach

Water Education from the cloudFind free water conservation resources available for the whole family on our digital education page.​​​


​Find a water project near you by visiting our infrastructure and improvement project website. 
