About the Project
The purpose of this project is to analyze the existing street network, including the mobility, transit and active transportation networks (people walking and riding bicycles), in west Phoenix. It will include analysis of existing and future land use and development plans, and the approved existing street classification map.
Additionally, its purpose is to identify any gaps in these networks and recommend street, transit and active transportation needs, as well as target years for construction based on projected growth and land use in the area.
The study recommendations will be consistent with the Phoenix Street Transportation Department's Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan and Active Transportation Plan, and will facilitate future transit oriented development.
Goals of the Project
Provide guidance on future street, zoning and policy needs that will help create responsible land use, safe streets and vibrant neighborhoods.
Project Schedule
Completed in summer 2024.
Study Documents
Technical Memorandum 1 - Current Conditions Report
Technical Memorandum 2 - Future Conditions ReportTechnical Memorandum 3 - Evaluation Criteria & Recommended Transportation Network Plan of Imrovements
Study Objectives
This study will inform the development and implementation of community and neighborhood transportation goals. It will identify transportation facility and service improvements that enhance neighborhood character and safety by:
- Provide a system that supports equitable and safe facilities for all users and transportation modes
- Compare future roadway connectivity and capacity needs to existing roadway conditions and recommend safe, multimodal projects that enhance connectivity and neighborhood character
- Recommend sensible roadway widths, policies, projects and procedures, including preservation of the necessary rights-of-way to deliver properly-scaled land use planning and infrastructure enhancements
- Identify ways to connect bicycle and pedestrian facilities safely and conveniently to existing and planned facilities in neighboring jurisdictions
- Identify opportunities to enhance bicycle and pedestrian connectivity across Loop 101 by providing safe on-street and above grade improvements that connect neighborhoods
- Develop planning-level cost estimates and delivery timeframes into programming considerations for recommendation of short-, mid-, and long-term capital improvements