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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Labor Compliance

    The purpose of the Labor Compliance Section is to ensure contract compliance with federal labor regulations, specifically, the Davis Bacon & Related Acts. The primary responsibility is to enforce these regulations on federally assisted capital improvement projects.  The team uses a variety of methods including site investigations, conducting employee interviews, auditing contractor payroll and business records, and withholding payments to the contractor, when necessary, to ensure employees are paid the prevailing wage for work performed. The staff is comprised of one Labor Compliance Supervisor and three Labor Compliance Specialists. 

    Labor Compliance Documents


    NOTICE: The city of Phoenix has received reports of residents and local businesses receiving emails or U.S. mail purporting to be from the city of Phoenix. One such email is a “Labor Standards Compliance Notice” and requests a business pay $295.

    These emails are known as phishing scams and are fraudulent. Their purpose is to trick you into visiting a fake website, providing your personal information, or to simply get money.
    Mail To:

    City of Phoenix
    Street Transportation Department
    Transportation Planning & Programming Division
    200 W. Washington St., 5th Floor
    Phoenix, AZ  85003-1611