An estimated cost will be established at the onset of the project. This cost will be updated periodically and finalized after construction. The projects scope has a significant impact on overall cost which can range from $400,000 to over $1.5M.
Improvement Districts
An Improvement District (ID) is a means to provide financing of infrastructure improvements (i.e, water and sewer lines, pavement, sidewalks) by imposing a special assessment on each property within the formed district. The process can be initiated by property owners or developers. Improvement Districts are only applicable in public right-of-way.
What will be the cost of the project? How much will it cost me?
An estimated cost will be established at the onset of the project. This cost will be updated periodically and finalized after construction. The projects scope has a significant impact on overall cost which can range from $400,000 to over $1.5M.
How are improvements paid or financed?
Once the improvements are complete, the property owners either pay their share of the costs in cash OR bonds are issued to finance the costs of the improvements. The properties within the ID that have not paid are assessed the principal and interest costs of the bonds over a 10-year period. These bonds are secured by a lien on the property and improvements of all parcels within the district.
How long does the process take?
On average an ID takes approximately 3.5-5 years to complete. There are multiple steps in the process, many of which are dictated by State Statute Title 48, Article 2, 571-622, and cannot be shortened or circumvented.
What are the phases of an Improvement District?
Pre-Design Phase (Initiation, Feasibility, Petition, Ballot)
Design Phase
Construction Phase
Assessment Collection Phase
What is required to get the ID process started?
An initial written request describing the proposed improvements and draft boundaries is required. Please note that there will be a petition and a ballot process to demonstrate support of the project and a willingness to pay for the improvements.
Improvement District Request Form
At the discretion of the City, a developer driven ID process may be used. For more information on the developer driven ID process or general ID process questions, contact Brian Fellows at 602-534-2163 or email