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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Traffic Calming Options

    ​​What Options Are Available?

    ​​The City of Phoenix offers multiple options for residents to pursue when it comes to adding traffic calming features to their neighborhood. If motorists traveling at an excessive speed is an issue in your neighborhood, you may wish to explore the following:

    Speed Humps

    Speed humps​ are asphalt mounds placed on roadways for the purpose of slowing traffic. Speed humps are different than speed bumps, which are narrower and commonly seen in parking lots or on private streets. The City of Phoenix only installs speed humps on public streets.​ The process to obtain a speed hump is resident-driven, with the community's involvement needed to demonstrate support for a permanent infrastructure change. 

    Learn more about the process to add a speed hump


    Speed Cushions
    Speed cushions can help control speeding on neighborhood streets, by reducing average speeds. Unlike traditional police enforcement, speed cushions provide continuous mitigation. They may also help discourage cut-through traffic by diverting it elsewhere without slowing emergency vehicle response times. ​The process to obtain a speed cushion is resident-driven, with the community's involvement needed to demonstrate support for a permanent infrastructure change.

    Learn more about the process to add a speed cushion


    Phoenix Police Department Speeding or Traffic Issues Hotline

    If speeding or other traffic issues are a concern in your neighborhood, call 602-534-SPEED or 602-534-7733. Please note, these are non-emergency numbers. 

    The traffic complaint hotline may also be reached via e-mail at ​

    The Phoenix Police Department will assign an officer to handle the traffic issue. During normal business hours the hotline is monitored by an officer to take your comments, complaints or questions. After normal business hours, you will reach a message recorder. A Phoenix police officer will call or e-mail you back. 

    ​Things You Should Know

    There are three different types of streets within the City of Phoenix: 

    • ​Local residential streets: Streets that typically have no markings, the speed limit is 25 MPH and homes typically line the street on both sides. Examples: Burgess Way, Colter Street
    • Collector streets: Streets that are meant for a higher volume of vehicles with a speed limit that can sometimes be higher than 25 MPH. Examples: Osborn Road, 15th Avenue, 12th Street
    • Arterial streets​: Streets that are meant for the highest volume of traffic with a higher speed limit. Examples: Camelback Road, Union Hills Drive, Southern Road

    Please note, speed humps and speed cushions are two separate devices that are used on two different types of streets. Not every street is suited to have traffic calming features added to it.​​

    Additionally, the process to obtain a speed hump or speed cushion is driven by the residents of the neighborhood and can only occur with the community's support during a petitioning process. 

    A stop sign is not an option for traffic calming. 

    ​Who to Contact

    Michael Vellotti, Neighborhood Traffic and Parking Specialist 
