Q: What is the Road Safety Action Plan?
A: A comprehensive plan that improves safety on Phoenix roadways for all users. The Plan will include measures to evaluate, engineer, enforce and educate. That is known as the 4E approach to traffic safety.
Q: Why is the City of Phoenix developing this plan?
A: Understanding the importance of safety as a core function of the Street Transportation Department, and due to recent data trending in a negative direction, Phoenix is investing in this comprehensive Plan that will further the city's current efforts and provide a framework and key strategies for safety enhancem ents citywide.
Q: How is the plan development being funded?
A: Development of the Plan is being funded by the voter-approved Phoenix Transportation 2050 sales tax, also known as T2050.
Q: How is this plan going to help my neighborhood?
A: The Plan will determine a High Injury Network (HIN) that identifies problem locations and helps determine solutions and prioritization. This approach will help city staff focus resources on what actions to implement and where those actions are needed, and also help determine how funds can be invested in the areas most impacted by collisions that result in serious injury or death.
Q: How can I be more involved and give feedback?
A: Community engagement is integral to the formation of an actionable plan. The input of those who travel Phoenix's roadways, whether driving, walking or biking, will be key to make city streets safer for everyone. Information about community input opportunities is available on Phoenix.gov/RoadSafety.
Q: How will public feedback be incorporated into the Plan?
A: Community input and feedback will be analyzed to determine issues and areas of concern that should be integrated into the Plan.
Q: Where can I find more information about this plan and its progress?
A: Information is available on Phoenix.gov/RoadSafety.
Q: Is the City offering information about the Plan in languages other than English?
A: Yes, public engagement materials have been provided in English and in Spanish. For Spanish and additional language options, please click the “Translate" option at the top of this webpage.
Q: How will the city prioritize safety projects and initiatives identified in the Plan?
A: The Plan will have strategies based on the 4E approach (Evaluation, Enforcement, Engineering and Education) and respond to the focus areas identified in the High Injury Network (HIN).
Q: Will this plan consider pedestrian, bicyclist and accessibility improvements?
A: Yes, the Plan will evaluate all roadway uses and will contain a roadmap to address the safety issues related to those uses.
Q: Who will be involved in implementing this Plan?
A: Everyone has a responsibility to ensure safety. For the Plan to be successful, the city and the community must forge a strong partnership. While the Street Transportation Department is leading this effort, other city departments are key to this partnership and include the Police and Fire departments, as well as school districts and many other external agencies and organizations.