
Phoenix Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan​​​​​

2022-2023 Annual Report

The Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan Annual Report provides an update to the community about traffic safety and crash trends in Phoenix.

Read the 2022-2023 Annual Report

Vision Z​​ero Community Advisory Committee

Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee
2024 Community Advisory Committee Meetings Schedule:

Community Advisory Committee Past Meetings Schedule:

City Council Approval

I​n September 2022, Phoenix City Council unanimously approved a comprehensive Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan and the allocation of $10 million in annual funding for its implementation. ​The City Council decision also approved formation of​ an 11-member Vision Zero Community Advisory Committee, which will provide feedback and recommendations about how the Plan is facilitated. The members will be appointed by the Mayor and City Council.​​​

Watch a video recording of the September 7, 2022 City Council Formal Meeting on YouTube.

Read the Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan
Read Phoenix's Active Transportation Plan

The Five E's of Traffic Safety

The Street Transportation Department has proactively investing in the Five E's of Traffic Safety: Evaluation, Engineering, Enforcement, Education and Equity. 

  • Evaluation is benchmarking efforts to measure effectiveness of implemented initiatives
  • Engineering identifies tools and resources needed to successfully address roadway safety items that include roadway design, traffic engineering, maintenance, operation and planning
  • Enforcement is ensuring users of the roadway are following the rules
  • Education is conducting communication campaigns and initiatives that promote and teach safe roadway user behavior including people driving, riding transit, walking and bicycling
  • Equity in transportation ensures that work efforts are free from bias, and identifies, understands and eliminates barriers that exist for people using the network​​​​​​​​​​

Plan ​Overview

The Street Transportation Department's mission is to “provide for the safe, efficient and convenient movement of people and goods within the city, and support citywide infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life in Phoenix."  

Understanding the importance of safety as a core function of the department, and due to recent data trending in a negative direction, Phoenix has invested in a comprehensive Road Safety Action Plan that furthers the city's existing efforts and provides a framework and key strategies for more safety enhancements​ citywide. ​It also provides a method for evaluating data, and determines a High Injury Network that identifies problem locations and helps determine solutions and prioritization.

In January 2022, Phoenix City Council approved to incorporate the goals of Vision Zero into the Road Safety Action Plan.  

Vision Zero is built around a core philosophy that traffic-related deaths and serious injuries are preventable. The Vision Zero Network recognizes cities that take action towards adopting this approach to road safety as "Vision Zero Communities."​

Phoenix High Injury Network (HIN)Road Safety Action Plan (FAQ)​​​​​​​​​

Sign Up for Mo​re I​​nformation

Subscribe to the Road Safety Action Plan ​email list and receive updates.​

Safety Videos

​Watch the "Scan the Street for Wheels and Feet" safety video series. 

Intersections (English)

Intersections (Spanish)

Crosswalks (English)

Crosswalks (Spanish)

Stop on Red

Scan the Street

Community Engagement

Community engagement was integral to the formation of this actionable plan. The input of those who travel Phoenix's roadways, whether driving, walking or biking, was key to making streets safer for everyone.

More than 2,500 community members participated in Phase 1 of the public involvement process, which included an online interactive survey, and a variety of virtual and in-person meetings and events that were held citywide from November 2021 through February 2022.

Read a Phase 1 summary report

Phase 2 of community engagement ran from June through August 2022, during which residents were asked to review a draft of the plan and provide feedback by taking a survey.​

Read a Phase 2 summary report​

In total, more than 5,000 comments from residents about roadway safety were received throughout the public involvement opportunities. ​​

Virtual Public Meetings and Updates

Watch video recordings of public meetings and updates presented throughout 2022 when the Vision Zero Road Safety Action Plan was in development.

Summer 2022 Update

November 2022 Public Meeting