There are 4 types of paper Maps distributed by Central Records.
- Aerial
- Right of Way (Landbase)
- Storm Drain
- Topographic (10' Contour)
You can easily identify which quarter section you are interested in by looking on the QS-Index map and using major cross roads to locate your site area.
EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 2017, customers who desire a STORM DRAIN MAP must meet the criteria set out in the STORMWATER DATA SECURITY policy and complete the following steps.
- Submit a Public Record Request through the City of Phoenix Communication's Office Web Site;
- MUST be a partnering GOVERNMENT AGENCY or a UTILITY COMPANY (with a utility company ID badge – not a consultant working for the utility company)
- Be working on a CITY OF PHOENIX project OR preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) – we need the PROJECT # AND THE CITY PROJECT MANAGERS NAME so we can verify the information before we provide the requested maps.
- Completing a commercial development. The cost for a COMMERCIAL customer for each GIS Quarter Section Storm Drain Map is $40.
No exceptions to policy requirements will be made. Similar to facility plans, Storm Drain Maps are protected under Ordinance G-4396.