​​​​​​​​​​Audible Pedestrian Signals

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Layout table containing list of audible pedestrian signal locations by east-west and north-south streets, as well as leg of crossing.
East-West Street North-South Street Leg of Crossing Information
Orangewood Avenue 27th Avenue West Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 5-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Orangewood is located approximately 10 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 5-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Orangewood Avenue 27th Avenue North Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner to cross 27th Avenue is located approximately 14-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 15 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Osborn Road 36th Street North Leg of Crossing NO CURB RAMP ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER. Button on the northeast side is located approximately at the back of the sidewalk. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 12 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Osborn Road Central Avenue South Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. ACCESS TO PLATFORM FROM OSBORN ROAD AND LEXINGTON AVENUE. Buttons are located on either side of the light rail platform. Button on the southeast corner is located at the back of sidewalk straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 13 feet from back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located at the back of sidewalk straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 14 feet from back of curb.
Osborn Road 51st Avenue North Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 12 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 13-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Osborn Road 32nd Street North Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 13-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 14 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Palm Lane Central Avenue South Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. Button on the southeast corner is located at the back of sidewalk approximately 5-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 20 feet from back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 10 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Pasadena Avenue 43rd Avenue North Leg of Crossing NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE SOUTH LEG. Button on the northeast corner is located directly behind the curb ramp approximately 8 feet from back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located directly behind the curb ramp approximately 11 feet from back of curb.
Bell Road 9th Street West Leg of Crossing More Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 14 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 13 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Peoria Avenue Cave Creek Road North Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 13-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 14 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Peoria Avenue 25th Avenue West Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 18 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 16 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Peoria Avenue 31st Avenue West Leg of Crossing PEDESTRIAN CROSSING IS TIMED TO MOVE WITH THE LEFT TURN ARROW FROM WEST BOUND PEORIA TO SOUTH BOUND 31ST AVENUE. MEDIAN ISLAND HAS PEDESTRIAN OPENING IN THE CENTER OF THE CROSSWALK. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 20 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 20 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 5-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street 1st Avenue East Leg of Crossing NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE SOUTH LEG OF THE INTERSECTION. FRIST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE EAST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the southeast corner to cross Polk Street is located approximately1 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 15 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Polk Street is located approximately 5 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street Central Avenue North Leg of Crossing CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE WEST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the northeast corner to cross Central Avenue is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Central Avenue is located approximately 3-1/2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom 7 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street Central Avenue South Leg of Crossing CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE WEST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the southeast corner to cross Central Avenue is located approximately 8 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Central Avenue is located approximately 7 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street Central Avenue East Leg of Crossing CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE WEST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the southeast corner to cross Polk Street is located directly south of the curb ramp bottom approximately 10 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Polk Street is located approximately 2-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street 1st Avenue North Leg of Crossing NO PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ON THE SOUTH LEG OF THE INTERSECTION. FRIST AVENUE IS ONE WAY SOUTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE EAST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the northeast corner to cross 1st Avenue is located approximately 13 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 13 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 1st Avenue is located approximately 2 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 13 feet from the back of curb.
Polk Street Central Avenue West Leg of Crossing CENTRAL AVENUE IS ONE WAY NORTH BOUND. LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS NEAR THE WEST CURB ON CENTRAL AVENUE. Button on the northwest corner to cross Polk Street is located approximately 11 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 11 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Polk Street is located approximately 3 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb.
Ray Road Ranch Circle East Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road 7th Street North Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 8 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb.
Roeser Road Central Avenue South Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 13 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Roeser Road 7th Street North Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 11 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 7 feet north straight back from the curb ramp bottom.
Roosevelt Street 51st Avenue South Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 10 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 19 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Roosevelt Street 7th Street North Leg of Crossing Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 9 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 9 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 6 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road 7th Street South Leg of Crossing TRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 9 feet from the back of curb.
McDowell Road Central Avenue West Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. THERE IS ACCESS TO THE LIGHT RAIL STATION FROM McDOWELL AND WILLETTA. Button on the southwest corner is located 12 feet west of the curb ramp approximately 9-1/2 feet from back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located 11 feet west of the curb ramp approximately 15 feet from back of curb.
McDowell Road Central Avenue North Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. THERE IS ACCESS TO THE LIGHT RAIL STATION FROM McDOWELL AND WILLETTA. Button on the northeast corner is located 8-1/2 feet straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp. Button on the northwest corner is located 9-1/2 feet straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp.
McDowell Road Central Avenue North Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. THERE IS ACCESS TO THE LIGHT RAIL STATION FROM McDOWELL AND WILLETTA. Button on the northeast corner is located 8-1/2 feet straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp. Button on the northwest corner is located 9-1/2 feet straight back from the bottom of the curb ramp.
McDowell Road Central Avenue South Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. THERE IS ACCESS TO THE LIGHT RAIL STATION FROM McDOWELL AND WILLETTA. Button on the southeast corner is located 11 feet south of the curb ramp approximately 3 feet from back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located 12 feet south of the curb ramp approximately 10 feet from back of curb.
McDowell Road 44th Street East Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 18 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 16 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Missouri Avenue 19th Avenue South Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. Button on the southeast corner is located directly behind the curb ramp approximately 12-1/2 feet from back of curb. Button on the southwest corner is located directly behind the curb ramp approximately 11 feet from the back of curb.
Montebello Avenue 19th Avenue North Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. ACCESS TO PLATFORM FROM SOUTH ONLY. Button on the light rail platform is located at the end of the safety handrail on the east side. Button on the northeast corner is located directly behind the curb ramp approximately 13-1/2 feet from back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located on the separator island approximately 3 feet south of the pedestrian crossing.
Northern Avenue 7th Avenue West Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 15-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 10 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.
Northern Avenue 12th Street South Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner to cross 12th Street is located approximately 14-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross 12th Street is located approximately 15 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Northern Avenue 12th Street North Leg of Crossing Button on the northeast corner to cross 12th Street is located approximately 5 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross 12th Street is located approximately 6 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 5-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road 7th Street West Leg of Crossing TRAFFIC TURNING LEFT FROM NORTH BOUND 7th STREET TO WEST BOUND BELL ROAD HAS A LAGGING LEFT-TURN ARROW. Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 6 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner to cross Bell Road is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb.
Northern Avenue 12th Street West Leg of Crossing Button on the northwest corner to cross 12th Street is located approximately 6 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 5-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southwest corner to cross Northern Avenue is located approximately 18 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Northern Avenue 12th Street East Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner to cross Northern Avenue is located approximately 13 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner to cross Northern Avenue is located approximately 5 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
Maryland Avenue 12th Street East Leg of Crossing No details at this time.
Maryland Avenue 12th Street West Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located approximately 15-1/2 feet south of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Buttons on the northwest corner to cross Maryland and 12th Street are located on the same pole approximately 13-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb.
Maryland Avenue 12th Street South Leg of Crossing No details at this time.
Maryland Avenue 12th Street North Leg of Crossing BOTH BUTTONS ARE LOCATED ON THE SAME POLE. Buttons on the northwest corner to cross Maryland and 12th Street are located on the same pole approximately 13-1/2 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 5 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 13 feet north of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Maryland Avenue Central Avenue North Leg of Crossing NO SIDEWALK OR CURB RAMP ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 5 feet north of the crosswalk. Button on the northwest corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
McDowell Road 48th Street East Leg of Crossing Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 11 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 13 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7-1/2 feet from the back of curb.
McDowell Road 22nd Street East Leg of Crossing Button on the northeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner is located straight back from the curb ramp bottom approximately 7 feet from the back of curb.
McDowell Road Central Avenue East Leg of Crossing LIGHT RAIL TRACK IS LOCATED IN THE MEDIAN ISLAND. THERE IS ACCESS TO THE LIGHT RAIL STATION FROM McDOWELL AND WILLETTA. Button on the southeast corner is located 11 feet east of the curb ramp approximately 4 feet from back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located 7-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp approximately 6 feet from back of curb.
McDowell Road 36th Street West Leg of Crossing Button on the southwest corner is located directly behind the curb ramp bottom approximately 8 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northwest corner is located approximately 16 feet west of the curb ramp bottom and 6 feet from the back of curb.
Bell Road 16th Street East Leg of Crossing Button on the southeast corner is located approximately 17 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the northeast corner is located approximately 12 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 8 feet from the back of curb.
Indian School Road 83rd Avenue East Leg of Crossing More DetailsButton on the northeast corner to cross Indian School Road is located approximately 4-1/2 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 6-1/2 feet from the back of curb. Button on the southeast corner to cross Indian School Road is located approximately 10 feet east of the curb ramp bottom and 7 feet from the back of curb.