About the Project
The Phoenix Street Transportation Department is in the early design phase for the city's first and only dedicated bicycle and pedestrian bridge across the Rio Salado (Salt River). The bridge will provide a seamless, safe and comfortable connection point.
The scope of this project consists of constructing a bridge across the Rio Salado River generally along the 3rd Street alignment. The riverbank trails along the southern bank will also be improved through the addition of low-emitting solar pedestrian-scale lighting and pathway amenities between Central Avenue and 40th Street.
What Will the Bridge Look Like?
Community input drove the development of concepts that reflect priorities expressed by a wide range of community members. Engagement with youth and community members provided the study team with feedback and input to develop design themes and inform the impression, aesthetics, inspiration, amenities and desired experience of the proposed bridge.
On July 9, the design team presented three design alternatives inspired by the preferred pre-design concept. The outcome of the public engagement merged the public art concepts of one concept with the Convergence bridge concept to reflect the views of the community.