Welcome to the Labor Compliance Document Site. On this page you will find the documents you need to submit to our Labor Compliance staff who ensure that Davis Bacon Wages are paid to contractors and sub contractors working on City of Phoenix Federally Funded CIP Projects.
To view these documents in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format, which allows the document to be downloaded, viewed, saved and printed with all of its original formatting, you will need to download a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader and follow the instructions for installation. Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat, you can save the document and email it back to the Labor Compliance office as an email attachment.
If you have any questions please call 602.261.8287.
Fill Exhibit A Fringe Benefit Statement
Fill Exhibit B Union Agreement
Fill Exhibit C Transportation of Material
Fill Exhibit D Truck Owner Operator
Fill Exhibit E Wage Deduction
Fill Exhibit F Restitution Confirmation
Labor Standards Certification