Crack and micro sealing activity will begin Tuesday, November 2 and continue over several days, weather permitting. This is a pavement preservation treatment being applied to Oak Street where recent construction activity has been underway.
Sidewalk improvements along Oak Street from 14th Street to 15th Street will begin on August 16, 2021. Please see the construction notice below in both English and Spanish. This will take approximately two weeks to complete.
May 2021 Update
Construction of the improvements to Oak Street and 20th Street will begin May 10, 2021. Please see the construction notices below. If or when access to individual properties will be affected, subsequent notices will be issued to those property owners.
Construction Notice June 2021
Construction Notice May 2021
Materials Shared at 2-27-2020 Open House
Oak Street Project Overview Boards.pdf
Oak Street Design 3rd St to 14th St Roll Plot.pdf
OakStreet Design 15th St to 51 Freeway.pdf
Oak Street Design 20th Pl to Grand Canal.pdf
Project Overview
As part an effort to make the City’s roadways safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians while improving connections with transit, the City of Phoenix, Street Transportation Department is proposing a series of transportation improvements for Oak Street.
The proposed project will greatly enhance connectivity with existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and transit service for this transportation corridor. Additional improvements include traffic calming measures at key locations and improved major street crossings.
The Oak Street corridor from Third Street to the Grand Canal was identified as priority #13 out of 39 corridors for implementation in the City of Phoenix Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) adopted by City Council in November 2014. Due to connectivity of the corridor with adjacent BMP projects, and the larger bicycle network, City staff applied for and was awarded a Maricopa Association of Governments Design Assistance Grant to complete a project assessment report addressing safety improvements for the Oak Street bicycle corridor to provide a low-stress environment for bicyclists.
Oak Street is a collector street in Central Phoenix, one-half mile south of Thomas Road and one-half mile north of McDowell Road. The City identified Oak Street for bicycle facility improvements because as a collector street it is part of the City grid system and has lower vehicle counts than arterial streets to the north and south. As a two-lane roadway, Oak Street can provide a safe, easy, low-stress route for bicyclists.
The proposed plan for this project maintains the existing number of travel lanes on Oak Street and includes bike lanes and sidewalks. The proposed improvements for this project include: 
- Bike Lanes
- Two-Way Cycle track
- Sidewalks
- Intersection Pavement Markings and Improvements
- Signage
- Street Lighting
- Traffic Calming Applications to Slow Vehicular Traffic
- Improved Drainage
- Modified and Improved Crossings at 7th Street, 16th Street and Thomas Road
- Improved Connectivity to the Grand Canal and Future 20th Street Bike Improvements
As part of the proposed plan for this project, the existing curbside parking on Oak Street will require the following modifications:
- 3rd Street to 7th Street – Parking permitted on the north side only
- 10th Street to Dayton Street - Parking permitted on south side only
- Dayton Street to 12th Street – Removal of south side parking
- Edgemere Street to Evergreen Street - Parking permitted on south side only
- Evergreen Street to 14th Street - Parking permitted on the north side only
- 16th Street to 19th Street – Removal of north side parking
Updated Project Rendering
Project Location / Resources
Oak Street from Third Street to the Grand Canal
The Oak Street bicycle corridor begins at the intersection of Oak Street and Third Street, continues east along Oak Street to SR-51, and utilizes the existing pedestrian bridge to cross SR-51. The corridor then continues north along the east side of SR-51. The corridor follows 20th Place between Oak Street and Sheridan Street, and then utilizes an existing concrete path between Sheridan Street and Thomas Road. The corridor crosses Thomas Road at the 20th Street/Thomas Road intersection, and then continues north along 20th Street to the Grand Canal.
Oak Street Study Area Map
Oak Street Project Assessment Report (October 2016)
Proposed Design Plans and Information Presented at the Feb. 22, 2017 Open House Meeting
Listed below is the project information that was presented at the public meeting held for this project on February 27, 2019.
Oak Street Improvement Project - Information Display Boards (2-27-19 Public Meeting)
Oak Street Improvement Project - Presentation (2-27-19 Public Meeting)
Oak Street Improvement Project 30-Percent Design Plans (1 of 2)
Oak Street Improvement Project 30-Percent Design Plans (2 of 2)
Project Status
Recommended Concept – 2016/2017
Design – 2020
Project is complete, May 2022
Project Contact
Albert Granillo - Public Information Manager
Phone: 623-825-3444
Updated June 2022