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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Communications Office


    A green screen room set up with cameras, lights, and two seats facing each other.


    The Communications Office ​informs, connects, educates, listens, and responds.

    Staff provide residents and employees with dynamic information about City of Phoenix news, programs, and services. Our communications include our monthly residential newsletter PHX At Your Service, and a weekly employee newsletter PHX Connect.

    The Communications Office also manages the PHX Newsroom with City of Phoenix news and videos, public records requests,, PHXTV, and City of Phoenix social media channels.

    Media. Please see current PHX Media Contacts.


    What We Do

    Contact the Communications Office

    200 W. Washington St., 12th floor
    Phoenix, AZ 85003-2295

    Phone: 602-262-7177
    Fax: 602-495-2432