The Human Services Department is proud to serve the community through a network of convenient locations providing a comprehensive array of services.
Community Services
Crisis Assistance and Social Services
Find housing, utility, and other emergency resources and contacts.
Refugee and Immigrant Support
Office in Human Services for the purpose of collaborating with city departments, local resettlement agencies, and nonprofits to assist foreign born residents.
Free Tax Preparation
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program has three alternatives for filing taxes for those meeting eligibility requirements.
Health Resources
Public Health
Phoenix's Office of Public Health's mission is to promote health and well-being by employing innovative, rigorous, and evidence-based public health approaches.
Affordable Health Clinics
Find affordable health clinics in Phoenix offering quality care and services to the community. Find the right clinic for your needs today.
HIV Resources
Find resources for treating, testing for, and preventing HIV infection.
Phoenix Opioid Response
Learn how Phoenix is responding to the opioid crisis.
Family Resources
Phoenix Families First Resource Centers
Discover support and resources for Phoenix families at Families First Resource Centers, enhancing education and well-being for students and parents.
Infant and Child Vaccinations
Learn about Phoenix’s free childhood vaccination clinics.
School Readiness: Head Start
City of Phoenix Head Start Birth to Five Program provides comprehensive early childhood development and family support services.
Safe Phoenix
Safety Information, A to Z
Use this list of safety articles from the Fire Department to get information on everything from bike helmets to smoke alarms.
Keep Your Home Lead-Safe
Learn the dangers of lead exposure and how to keep your home and family lead-safe.
Water Quality
Have a question about Phoenix’s water supply? Start here.
Street Safety
Learn about driving, biking, and walking safely in Phoenix.
Services for Older Adults
Programs for Seniors and Older Adults
Learn about the Human Services Department's programs geared toward older adults.
Dial-a-ride is a ride-sharing service that allows you to schedule trips and travel in small transit vehicles around the City.
Housing for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
Find public housing geared toward older adults.