Apply for an alarm permit to activate immediate emergency response.
Safety Resources
Traffic Complaint Hotline and Issue Form
Call this hotline to report traffic and speeding concerns near your business.
Address Trespassers on Business Property
Grant police permission to arrest trespassers on business-owned property during closed hours.
Grants and Funding
Apply for Tribal Gaming Grants
Apply for Tribal Gaming Grants through Phoenix's government relations program. Access funding opportunities and support for tribal initiatives.
Grant Opportunities
Explore federal grant opportunities with Phoenix's Neighborhood Services Department to support community projects and initiatives.
Equal Opportunity Information
Small Business Certifications
If you are seeking certification within the SBE/DBE/ACDBE Programs, please submit your application to the City of Phoenix Certification and Contract System.
DBE, SBE, and ACDBE Program FAQ
Learn about each of the Equal Opportunity Department's business programs and how they work.
Promotion Opportunities
Green Business Program
Learn about this program recognizing businesses that exemplify exceptional sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Legacy Small Business Program
Learn about this program honoring iconic, long-standing small businesses that have served our city for at least 25 years.