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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Crime Victim Services Center

    Were you the victim of a misdemeanor crime in the City of Phoenix?

    As a victim of a crime, you have certain legal rights. The Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office has a Victim Services Unit and this online Crime Victim Services Center to help you with questions and concerns you might have, and to provide information and support regarding the criminal process. ​

    If you are a victim of a felony crime please contact the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office Victim Services Division at 602-506-85​22 or via their website. 

    ​​What information is available in the Crime Victim Services Center?

    The Victim Information Center, provides resources, how-to information, links, and certain online forms to help victims. Please click on the links below to learn about:

    Si usted es una víctima y necesita ayuda en español, por favor llame a nuestra oficina de unidad de servicios para la víctima 602-261-8192.

    ​​Coronavirus Update


    ​A mask or face covering is no longer required to enter the Phoenix Municipal Court Building, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103. ​

    No se requiere​ mascarilla o protectores faciales para entrar al Tribunal Municipal de Phoenix, 300 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2103​

    If you have questions, would like to confirm a court date, or have an updated address or phone number, please contact the Phoenix City Prosecutor’s Office at 602-262-6461.

    ​​​​Si tiene preguntas, le gustaría confirmar una cita en la corte o cambiar su dirección o número de teléfono, comuníquese con la Oficina del Fiscal de Phoenix al 602-262-6461.​

    Read more:​​​​