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City Workforce
Explore exciting career opportunities with the City of Phoenix. Join our team and make a difference in the community. Apply today!
Human Resources
The City of Phoenix Human Resources Department offers information about career opportunities, job descriptions, pay ranges, and benefit packages.
Disability Resources
Public Transit ADA
The City of Phoenix is committed to serving the ADA community by providing accessible transit options through ADA compliant vehicles and Dial-a-Ride service.
Housing for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
The Housing Department is dedicated to helping local seniors continue living an active and fulfilling life during their retirement years.
ADA Compliance
The ADA Compliance Program ensures that all the City programs, services, activities, and facilities are accessible and usable for individuals with disabilities.
Education and Learning
Phoenix Families First Resource Centers
Discover support and resources for Phoenix families at Families First Resource Centers, enhancing education and well-being for students and parents.
City of Phoenix School Districts
Find information on school locations, district and attendance boundaries, as well as some frequently requested maps.
Youth and Education
The Youth and Education Office serves families and children from birth to career through various educational opportunities.
Get Involved
Election Information
Discover Phoenix election information, including voting details and services provided by the City Clerk's office, to stay informed and engaged.
Phoenix City Council Meetings
Find Phoenix City Council meetings.
Join Phoenix's vibrant community by volunteering. Discover opportunities to make a difference and connect with others in meaningful ways.
Grants, Incentives, and Funding
Housing Rehabilitation
The Housing Repair Program can provide financial assistance and arrange for repairs to faulty electrical panels, broken air conditioners, and more.
Grants and Opportunities
The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture offers various opportunities, including funding and professional development opportunities.
Historical Preservation Incentives
Explore Phoenix's historic preservation programs and incentives to protect and enhance the city's architectural heritage.
Health and Human Services
Public Health
Phoenix's Office of Public Health's mission is to promote health and well-being by employing innovative, rigorous, and evidence-based public health approaches.
Human Services
The Human Services Department (HSD) is committed to enriching lives and building community within the City of Phoenix through the delivery of quality services.
Homeless Solutions
The Office of Homeless Solutions provides support for people experiencing homelessness and is committed to ending homelessness.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
The Section 8 HCV program is the federal government's major program for assisting low-income individuals and families with safe, affordable housing.
Housing Options
The Housing Department offers housing programs to people with low to limited incomes including families, single persons, seniors and people with special needs.
Housing Department
The Housing Department supports quality affordable housing and a pathway to self-sufficiency.
Pay a Bill, Fine, or Fee
Pay Your City Services Bill
Pay your City services bill online now or enroll in autopay.
Parking and Traffic Violations
Discover how to handle parking and traffic violations in Phoenix. Access resources and guidance for resolving your court-related issues efficiently.
Fees, Valuations and Assurances
Find fees, valuations, and assurances for development projects in Phoenix.
Police, Fire, and Emergency
Police Department
The Phoenix Police Department proudly serves and protects those who live, work, and visit one of the largest cities in the country.
Fire Department
The Phoenix Fire Department is committed to providing the highest level of customer service and resources to our community and members.
Emergency Management
The Office of Emergency Management works before, during, and after emergencies to minimize impacts on the organization and the community.
Residental Building and Permits
Residential Process Overview
Discover the residential building process in Phoenix, including permits and development steps, to streamline your project efficiently.
Help with My Home Project
Get expert guidance and resources for your home project in Phoenix. Access tools and support to make your residential building plans a success.
Planning and Development
Planning and Development guides the physical development of Phoenix, preserves historic sites, and ensures safe construction of buildings and infrastructure.
Trash and Recycling
Add or Change a Service
Request a new trash or recycling container here.
Find Your Trash Collection Day
Discover your trash and recycling collection day in Phoenix with our easy-to-use tool. Stay informed and never miss a pickup!
Public Works
The Phoenix Public Works Department collects residential trash and recycling, manages City facilities, and maintains City fleet vehicles.
Victim Services
Phoenix Family Advocacy Center
The Phoenix Family Advocacy Center provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic and sexual violence, homicide, and other violent crimes.
Crime Victim Services Center
Learn about your rights as a crime victim in Phoenix and how to invoke those rights. Find links to resources for crime victims.
Victim Rights
Victims have rights. The City of Phoenix and Maricopa County can direct you to the best support depending on the type of crime.
Voter Services
Election Information
Discover Phoenix election information, including voting details and services provided by the City Clerk's office, to stay informed and engaged.
Información Electoral
Phoenix tiene al Concejo y Administrador Municipal como la forma de gobierno.
City Clerk
City Clerk conducts elections and annexations, prepares council agendas and meeting notices, maintains public records, and processes business licenses.
Water and Sewer
Customer Service Portal
Pay your City services bill or request moving services here.
Recursos en español
Explore water services resources in Spanish, including conservation tips and service details, to help you manage water efficiently in Phoenix.
Water Services
Phoenix Water Services Department delivers safe, reliable, and sustainable water and wastewater services, focusing on conservation, equity, and affordability.