If you’re planning a residential project, start here for key information.
Planning and Development
Tools and Resources
Search projects and plans, make a payment, and more.
Need to request an inspection? Need a key document or checklist? Start here.
Fees, Valuations and Assurances
Find fees, valuations, and assurances for development projects in Phoenix.
Certificate of Occupancy
Certifies that a building is compliant with applicable building codes and other laws, meaning conditions are suitable and safe for occupancy.
Historic Preservation
Find guidelines and information around approvals and incentive programs.
Fire Prevention
Fire Safety and Prevention
Understand and navigate the city’s fire prevention development process.
Fire Code
This code establishes minimum requirements for fire prevention and fire protection systems.
Filing Complaints or Reports
After-Hours Construction Noise Complaints
Find information on violations and how to file a complaint.
Report a Non-Permitted Construction Issue
Report an instance of non-permitted construction in the city.