Start here to find a variety of information on the planning and permitting process.
Planning and Zoning
My Community Map
Check out the latest zoning and permit activities across Phoenix.
Zoning FAQ
Have a zoning question? Start here to find answers to frequently asked questions.
Plan Review and Permit Acquisition Process
Building Permits
Determine what type of review and permit is required for your specific project.
Planning and Zoning
Understand the City’s requirements for planning and zoning.
Site Plan Review
Learn each step of the process for reviewing site plans.
Inspection Phase
Request inspections for compliance with City standards and safety protocols.
Codes, Ordinances, Standards, and Interpretations
Identify the codes that apply to your construction or property development project.
Fee Information
Review fees, valuations, and assurances that may be incurred during the planning phase.
Online Tools
Access our online portals to make a payment, apply for a permit, or request an inspection.
Residential, Commercial, and Historic Preservation Projects
Find requirements for single-family home, duplex, and townhome projects.
Commercial and Multifamily
Review requirements for commercial and multifamily projects.
Historic Preservation
See guidelines for the development and preservation of the City’s historical sites.
Fire Prevention and Water Services
Fire Code
Review the series of requirements established to reduce fire hazards and promote safety.
Water Service Infrastructure
Review our standards for constructing water and sewer systems.