If you’ve decided to move to Phoenix, arrange for City services as soon as possible.
New Residents
Housing Supportive Services
Residents in public housing have access to programs designed to educate, assist, and empower.
Landlord and Tenant Information
Learn about the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants under Arizona state law.
Property Violations
Explore a list of the most frequent property blight violations.
Repair and Renovation Resources
Housing Repair Program
Apply for financial assistance to help you preserve and enhance your home.
Help With Home Projects
Explore this Planning and Development resource hub to help you kick off your residential project.
Historic Property
If your home is on the historic property register, you have special guidelines to follow and incentives to help maintain your property.
Affordable Housing
Rental Opportunities
Find the home that's right for your family through our affordable housing programs.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs
These voucher and grant opportunities are offered to eligible low-income families.
Phoenix Family Services Center
Is your family experiencing a crisis and in need of emergency housing? Start here.
Buying Affordable Housing
Explore programs designed to assist eligible first-time homebuyers with the purchase of an affordable home.
Homeless Solutions
Office of Homeless Solutions
Together, we can provide relief and hope to our homeless population.
Learn more about our coordinated response to addressing this crisis and its impact on our communities.