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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Office of Homeless Solutions

    Office of Homeless Solutions


    The Office of Homeless Solutions (OHS) provides support for people experiencing homelessness and is committed to ending homelessness through a comprehensive, regional approach to shelter and heat relief, outreach, supportive and behavioral health services, homelessness prevention, and supportive housing.​

    Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) leads the effort in collecting, managing and publishing regional homelessness data​.​​​

    Phoenix Encampment Case Study

    Bloomberg Associates conducted an in-depth analysis of the City of Phoenix’s efforts to address the area around the Key Campus in 2023. The study examined the City’s process and results and was developed to share the valuable lessons learned with other cities that can benefit from this knowledge. Read the findings outlined in the report.

    Strategies to Address Homelessness

    The Phoenix City Council requested a strategic plan to focus on strategies for persons experiencing homelessness as well as developing best practices to mitigate impacts to surrounding communities and neighborhoods.​  Read the Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan​.

    In January 2021, a task force made up of neighborhood leaders, service providers, and homeless advocates began meeting to prioritize and provide recommendations on the City’s efforts to deploy the Plan. Throughout 2021, the Task Force met to review​ and evaluate the City’s Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan. The recommendations were made in consensus among the Task Force members and were presented to the Phoenix City Manager as well to the Phoenix City Council Community and Cultural Investment Subcommittee on April 6, 2022. Read the recommendations or watch the Subcommittee presentation.​​

    Help and Resources

    Report Concerns

    PHX C.A.R.E.S.​ is a coordinated response for neighborhoods & individuals experiencing homelessness,​ offering education, resources & encampment cleanups. ​

    At its core, PHX C.A.R.E.S. is the city's process of connecting the community with services like encampment cleanups, shelters, and other resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.​

    If residents have concerns about encampments or see individuals who are in need of resources or services they can contact PHX C.A.R.E.S. at 602-262-6251 or submit a report online.