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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Phoenix Facts and Statistics

    A sculpture of a sunburst hanging in city hall.

    Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the United States. It has a population of over 1.6 million and a yearly budget of $3.4 billion. We are also one of the hottest, sunniest cities in the U.S.

    Phoenix contains:

    • 325 public schools
    • 4,850 miles of public streets
    • 41,000 acres of desert parks and mountain preserves
    • More than 200 miles of trails
    • 8 golf courses

    These are just a few facts about Phoenix. There’s so much more to know. That’s why we’re committed to keeping a current Open Data Portal for the public.

    Our data capabilities earned Phoenix a Bloomberg Philanthropies "What Works Cities" certification at the platinum level (the highest recognition).

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