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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Residential Trash

    A silver garbage truck collects solid waste

    Landfill containers are picked up weekly on the same day as curbside recycle container pick-up. The landfill containers are emptied in a separate truck from the recyclables to avoid contamination. Items from the landfill containers are brought to one of the two transfer stations in preparation to be hauled to the State Route 85 Landfill.

    Did you know? City trash containers are getting a makeover. Your dark green trash container will eventually be black. Containers will be replaced as needed through attrition only. FYI, the new black color container is more in line with industry standards, is more cost effective, and is easier to recycle.

    Container Procedures

    Proper Placement

    • To ensure timely collection, containers must be placed curbside no later than 5:30 a.m. on the day of pick up.  
    • Don't overload the bin.
    • Please keep the area around your bins trimmed and free of weeds.
    • Make sure there are no obstructions within 15 feet of your containers (automobiles, mailboxes, light poles, etc.).

    Bag and Tie Your Trash

    Bagging garbage and grass is required by Maricopa County to keep control of insects, rodents, or other vectors that can transmit diseases. Bagging also keeps odors at bay and leaves the inside of your garbage container clean. Learn more from the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department​. Recyclables should NOT be bagged, but should be loose in the recycle container.

    Keep a lid on it! 

    City code requires residents to have lids on solid waste containers (garbage or recycling) to keep rain and insects out and to prevent wind from blowing garbage throughout the neighborhood.

    Unacceptable Items

    The following items should not be placed in curbside trash cans:

    I want to...

    A cartoon graphic shows the proper placement of curbside containers, leaving 4 feet in between each one.

    Moving Into a New Build?

    Once you have started city water services​ to your newly-built home, remember to contact Public Works to request your curbside trash and recycling containers. Call us at 602-262-6251.

    Note: It can take up to five business days for your containers to arrive.

    Illegal Dumping

    Illegal dumping, also known as “midnight dumping” or “open dumping,” is the disposal of trash generated at one location and disposed of at another location without legal permission. This includes dumping yard waste, appliances, tires, or other garbage in alleys, dumpsters, vacant lots, or open desert locations.

    If you witness illegal dumping in progress, call Crime Stop at 602-262-6151.

    To report illegal dumping after the fact, contact 602-262-6251. All information is confidential. 

    Save As You Reduce and Recycle (SAY R&R)

    This program offers residents that currently have curbside trash pick-up service the option to downsize their current large trash container to a medium trash container for a monthly savings of $3 on their solid waste services bill. 

    Customers must have curbside trash collection and be enrolled in the city's recycling program to be eligible for the SAY R&R pr​ogram.