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The official website of the City of Phoenix

    Zero Waste Team

    Zero Waste Tabling event

    The City of Phoenix has goals to reach 50% waste diversion by 2030 and zero waste by 2050, consistent with the goals set by the City’s Climate Action Plan. To reach these goals, Phoenix seeks to develop the circular economy and maximize recycling and reuse efforts to further divert resources away from the landfill.

    Our efforts will lessen environmental impacts by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere while creating healthier communities and spurring economic activity.

    The Zero Waste team is a great source of recycling education and information for residents and businesses. Please visit the Residential Recycling page for more information about the city's programs.

    New Program! Become a Master Recycler

    Become a Master Recycler and help Phoenix achieve zero waste by 2050. Learn effective ways to reduce waste, recycle correctly, and inspire eco-friendly habits in your community. Send completed application to

    Zero Waste Programs and Education

    Request Form

    Please fill out the following zero waste request form to request the Zero Waste team to give a presentation to your group, table at your event, or request a tour of the city's recycling facility. One of our team members will reach out to confirm the details of your request. 

    If you have questions about scheduling a presentation, event tabling or recycling facility tour, please contact the Zero Waste team at (602) 534-0405. 

    Note: If you have general questions about your trash service, would like to make service changes ​or would like to request a replacement or repair of your containers, please call (602) 262-6251 or submit a request online.

    Additional Resources