Gift Disclosures and Waiver Requests
Gift Dislcosures
City elected officials and employees are required to file disclosure forms for any gifts received that have an estimated fair market value of $50 or more. Employees must file the disclosure within five business days of receipt of the gift. Elected officials must file gift disclosures quarterly, within 30 calendar days after the end of the quarter in which the gift is received.
To view filed gift disclosure forms, select the name below.
(Listed in alphabetical order by first name)
Waiver Requests
If an elected official, board member, employee, or volunteer believes the acceptance of a gift in connection with a special occasion, such as a graduation or wedding, may create the appearance of undue influence or a conflict of interest, before accepting a gift, the individual may request a special occasion waiver. The waiver must be approved by the City of Phoenix Ethics Commission for elected officials and board members or the City Manager’s Office for employees and volunteers.
To view filed waiver requests, select the name below.
- To date, no waiver requests have been filed.
See Also: Ethics Home Page